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Full-Day Absences

If your student will be absent for the day, you must call the Attendance Office 719-234-1846 as soon as possible to report the absence. Provide the student’s name (spell it out if it’s unusual), grade, and absence information.

Pre-arranged Absences

Prior to an absence of 3 or more days, a pre-arranged absence form should be filled out, taken by the student to all teachers, signed by a parent or legal guardian and then submitted to attendance for an administrator to review. Please see Student Handbook for list of approved absences.

Student Check-in (Late Arrival)

  • Please call ahead if you know your student will be in late. That way we don’t have to call you when we see the student is missing.

  • If your student is PK-8, you must walk into the attendance office to sign the student in, (high-school students can check themselves in and out). This includes students coming in at, or just after, the beginning of classes.

  • In urgent situations, you may call in to excuse the tardiness. In that case, students should sign themselves in.

  • A “tardy” slip will be given to the student to enter class.

Student Check-out

In order to sign out a PK-8 student, a photo ID must be presented at check-out before a student can be released. It will be verified against the student’s record in Infinite Campus. The person checking out your student must be identified as the guardian in the Household section or be on the Emergency Contact List of Infinite Campus.

The preferred method of check-out is as follows:

  • Send in a written note with your student in the morning.

  • Your student should stop by the attendance office to exchange the written note for an “Office Summons Pass”.

  • If a written note cannot be given, you should call the Attendance Office as soon as a check-out time is known. A Summons Pass will be delivered to your student as soon as possible.

  • Your student shows the Summons Pass to the teacher for that period at the beginning of class and then leaves class at the appointed time with the pass.

  • Your student should be waiting to be picked up in the Attendance Office at the appointed time. You may then sign out your student.

Additional Information About Student Checkout

  • A student will not be checked out with a sibling without parental notification.

  • If you are checking out an elementary school student along with an older sibling, please have them all check out through the elementary school office.

Early Dismissal Due to Weather

Please fill out our early dismissal form instructing us on what procedure you would like us to follow in case of inclement weather conditions that result in an early dismissal.

Student Bus Passes

  • To have your student obtain a bus pass, send in a written note with your student in the morning. Include your student’s name, grade, date, bus number and friend with whom your student is riding the bus (if applicable).

  • Bus passes will be given to students only when accompanied by a written note or a phone call from the parent/guardian.

  • Your student should stop by the attendance office (preferably before school starts or during lunch) to exchange the written note for a Bus Pass.

  • If a written note cannot be given, you should call the Attendance Office as soon as possible. Your student will be notified that the pass is ready to be picked up in the Attendance Office.

  • If during the day your student decides to ride the bus home with a friend, your student may go to the Attendance Office to call home for permission. A bus pass will be written at that time with parent/guardian verbal approval.

Items to be dropped off

  • Bring the item to the “Student Desk” at the Attendance Office.

  • Sign the item in on the hot pink log.

  • Label the item on the outside with your student’s name and grade.

  • It will be delivered if at all possible. Items of an urgent nature (e.g., eyeglasses, lunches or lunch money) will be given priority. Items such as forgotten homework, planners, sports clothes or equipment will be delivered if time permits.

  • Students should be reminded that if they forgot to bring something to school, to check the Attendance Office themselves for the item. That way we do not have to disturb class to notify them.

Tardy Policy

  • 1st Tardy: IC Documentation of tardy – no warning at this point

  • 2nd Tardy: Teacher completes IC documentation. Student is verbally warned by an administrator.

  • 3rd Tardy: Teacher completes IC documentation. Student is verbally warned and a call is made to the parent by an administrator.

  • 6th Tardy: Teacher completes IC documentation. Student is assigned a lunch detention.

  • 7th Tardy: Teacher completes IC documentation. Student is assigned an after school detention (community service).

  • 8th Tardy: Teacher completes IC documentation. Student is assigned lunch detention and after school community service

  • 9th Tardy: Teacher completes IC documentation. Student is assigned in school suspension

  • 10th Tardy: Teacher completes IC documentation. Student is assigned ISS and a meeting is scheduled with the parent

Lost and Found

  • Lost and Found is located in the Attendance Office

  • Lost items should be delivered there.

  • Found items will not be delivered directly to students. Students must check to see if their item has been turned in on their own.

Student Phone

  • A phone is available in the Attendance Office for student use.

  • A pass is required from their teacher to come use the phone.

  • A pass is not required if they want to use it during lunch or before or after school.

  • This phone is not answered by staff.

Your cooperation in following these guidelines will be greatly appreciated!


When a student is absent, parents are asked to contact the school as soon as possible to report the absence. All authorized absences, except illness, should be approved in advance at the office.


When a student is absent, parents are asked to contact the school as soon as possible to report the absence. All authorized absences, except illness, should be approved in advance at the office.
(719) 234-1846